Frequently Asked Questions

IV Drips FAQ

How Does Your IV Drip Service Work?

The service we provide at Drip Haus is designed to be a relaxing and relatively quick experience. Before the IV therapy begins, you will have a consultation with one of our nursing team so they can understand your needs and decide if an IV infusion is right for you. The Intravenous drip selected will contain the right blend of vitamins, minerals, and fluids to meet your specific needs. The whole process is usually over within 30-60 minutes, and our team ensures a comfortable and communicative experience. The moment we finish, you will be able to go about your daily activities.

Are there any adverse effects from IV drips?

IV vitamin therapy is generally a safe process carried out by fully trained healthcare professionals. While side effects are extremely rare, some individuals might experience minor bruising or discomfort at the site of injection. When you have your IV drip consultation with our nursing team, they will carry out a thorough health assessment to minimise any potential risks. Remember, it is essential to disclose your medical history and any existing conditions to ensure a safe and effective IV therapy session.

How do I know if IV vitamin therapy is for me?

Our IV Therapy is suitable for a wide range of individuals. Additionally, if you are concerned about the process, you can check out our licensees. Rest assured that all our staff are qualified nurses who have completed an IV vitamin therapy training course in Australia.

What other services do you provide?

Besides a standard IV drip session, we also provide intramuscular and subcutaneous shots, micronutrient testing, and NAD+. You can read more about these services on the dropdown menu at the top of the page. Additionally, we provide mobile IV drips in Perth, Broome and South West WA for those unable to travel for various reasons. We also offer in-clinic sessions across these regions.
Whatever service you require, Drip Haus will be able to provide the right specialised drips, vitamin injections, and intramuscular shots to suit your specific needs.

How often does an IV drip need to be administered for successful results?

The frequency of intravenous therapy or any service we provide will depend entirely on your personal needs and health goals. While some clients benefit from an occasional health boost, those requiring ongoing wellness maintenance due to specific health reasons might need more. Whatever your reason for IV therapy, we will ensure a personalised approach to maximise results.

What benefits may I notice after one IV drip treatment?

Depending on the individual, the benefits after one IV therapy session can vary. However, the specific outcome will vary based on individual health conditions and goals.


What is NAD+, and what is its function?

NAD+, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a coenzyme essential for cellular health, playing a vital role in our metabolic process. It aids in determining how efficiently vitamins and nutrients from our diet are utilised. While NAD+ is associated with several cellular functions, including supporting longevity and cognitive health, it's also involved in the complex process of DNA and cell maintenance, which is a subject of research in the context of ageing. (Minhas et al., 2019). (Conlon, 2022).

What is NMN, and how is it different from NAD+?

NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, acts as a precursor to NAD+. It's a compound that complements NAD+ in our cellular health and is found in trace amounts in certain foods. NMN supports the body's production of NAD+, which then contributes to maintaining the functions of muscles and organs. This process is key to sustaining optimal bodily functions. (Conlon, 2022).

Can NAD+ Therapy Support Aging Processes?

NAD+ is involved in various cellular functions that may influence energy levels, cognitive sharpness, and hair and skin health. While some suggest that maintaining NAD+ levels might support these functions significantly as natural production declines with age, the role of NAD+ in aging is complex and multifaceted. NAD+ supplements, including injections, tablets, or treatments, are considered by some as part of a broader skincare and wellness routine. (Conlon, 2022).

What to Expect During an NAD+ IV Session?

Following a personalised consultation to tailor the treatment to your needs, you can receive your NAD+ at a location you find most comfortable. During the session, which typically lasts about 90 minutes, you can relax and engage in quiet activities. After the session, patients usually can resume their daily activities. Alternatives to IV therapy, like intramuscular or subcutaneous shots, are available and may suit different preferences or time constraints.

Potential Side Effects of NAD+ Therapy?

While NAD+ is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea or muscle weakness. If any discomfort arises, it's crucial to inform the attending nurse, as adjusting the treatment rate often helps alleviate these reactions.

Anticipated Outcomes from NAD+ Therapy?

Clients often report feeling rejuvenated, with a sense of heightened mental clarity and vitality following NAD+, with these sensations potentially lasting several weeks. On a cellular level, NAD+ supplementation may support cellular health, which could be reflected in the appearance of the skin and hair. However, individual experiences with NAD+ can vary. (Minhas et al., 2019). (Conlon, 2022). (Zhao et al., 2021). (Rennie et al., 2015). (Yaku et al., 2018).

Duration of NAD+ Therapy Benefits?

A NAD+ session is a brief commitment of about 90 minutes, with some clients reporting sustained feelings of well-being for several weeks post-treatment.

For detailed information on NAD+ and other services we offer, we invite you to explore our FAQs or contact our team. We're here to provide answers and guidance on your wellness journey.


·       Zhao, Y., Zhang, J., Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X. J., Wang, H., Du, Y., Guan, J., Wang, X., & Fu, J. (2021). NAD+ improves cognitive function and reduces neuroinflammation by ameliorating mitochondrial damage and decreasing ROS production in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion models through Sirt1/PGC-1α pathway. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 18(1), 207. 

·       Rennie, G., Chen, A. C., Dhillon, H., Vardy, J., & Damian, D. L. (2015). Nicotinamide and neurocognitive function. Nutritional neuroscience, 18(5), 193-200.

·       Yaku, K., Okabe, K., & Nakagawa, T. (2018). NAD metabolism: Implications in aging and longevity. Ageing research reviews, 47, 1-17. 

·       Minhas, P. S., Liu, L., Moon, P. K., Joshi, A. U., Dove, C., Mhatre, S., Contrepois, K., Wang, Q., Lee, B. A., & Coronado, M. (2019). Macrophage de novo NAD+ synthesis specifies immune function in aging and inflammation. Nature immunology, 20(1), 50-63.

·       Conlon, N. J. (2022). The Role of NAD+ in Regenerative Medicine. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 150, 41S-48S.  

·       Abdellatif, M., Sedej, S., & Kroemer, G. (2021). NAD+ metabolism in cardiac health, aging, and disease. Circulation, 144(22), 1795-1817.

·       Matasic, D. S., Brenner, C., & London, B. (2018). Emerging potential benefits of modulating NAD+ metabolism in cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 314(4), H839-H852.